DREADXP CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW Indie game publisher DreadXP approached us to promote their upcoming Lovecraftian dating simulator game – Sucker for Love: First...
GAL*GUN: DOUBLE PEACE CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW Released first on PC and console, and having quickly risen to cult-classic status, Gal*Gun: Double Peace is a beloved anime-themed...
ALPHAVERSE CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW Developer Crypto Blockchain Industries, Inc (CBI), led by former Atari CEO Fred Chesnais, asked us to promote the unveiling of its Metaverse...
GTFO CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW Developer 10 Chambers enlisted UberStrategist’s services to bring a fresh perspective to the ongoing PR campaign for its tactical multiplayer...
EVILLE CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW Developer VestGames approached us to announce and promote their upcoming social deduction-meets-role-playing-game – Eville –...
THE VALE: SHADOW OF THE CROWN CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW After receiving the Ubisoft Indie Series Special Prize, indie developer Falling Squirrel approached us to help bring...
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